Ancestral Findings offers free genealogy lookups from a wide range of historical records in addition to tips, history lessons and more.

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Wed, 09/02/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 35 — September 2, 2020 Today's Winner: Judith Ely Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: 10 “Must-Do”…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Wed, 08/26/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 34 — August 27, 2020 Today's Winner: Melissa McIntire Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: More Tips on…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 08/20/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 33 — August 20, 2020 Today's Winner: Glenda Ulmer Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: Quarantine Genealogy…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 08/13/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 32 — August 13, 2020 Today's Winner: Angie Roberts Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: The food that…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Wed, 07/29/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 31 — July 30, 2020 Today's Winner: Liz Whitehurst Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: If you have Irish…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 07/23/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 30 — July 23, 2020 Today's Winner: Gretchen Sign-up for the weekly giveaway Follow on: Genealogical Numbering:…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 07/16/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 29 — July 16, 2020 Today's Winner: LeRoy Abbott Sign-up for the weekly giveaway What is an Abstract and Why Do You…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 07/09/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 28 — July 9, 2020 Today's Winner: Beryl Woodman Sign-up for the weekly giveaway How Riverboats and Steamers Shaped…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Thu, 07/02/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 27 — July 2, 2020 Today's Winner: Kim Morgan Sign-up for the weekly giveaway 9 Questions to Ask Yourself Are you…

Ancestral Findings Update !

Published: Wed, 06/24/20

View Newsletter Online Vol. 25, No. 26 — June 24, 2020 Today's Winner: Jodie Riedmann Sign-up for the weekly giveaway The Rich and Spicy History…

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