Vol. 8, No. 39 — November 14, 2020
In photography, there are broadly two different types of photographs. And I realize that statement immediately brings up arguments about how there are dozens of genres and themes, but it’s not the genres and themes that I’m talking about here. Rather, it’s the level of complexity within the image. Broadly speaking, there are minimalist images, which are the photographs in which every element possible has been removed in order to really drill down on the subject
material, and then there are more complex images. More complex images steer away from minimalism by including more elements. Sometimes only a few, and sometimes dozens of things...
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Ruth Bernhard was a photographer who lived from 1905 to 2006, and over the course of her photographic career, she made a name for herself by photographing simple things in extraordinary ways. There is a quote from her that comes to mind: “I look at ordinary objects, and I see things that other people don’t see. That’s why I’m a photographer.”...
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There is a wealth of photography books out there that are useful for photographers at every stage. Here are some of the books that I recommend!
There’s a funny thing about our archives of digital negatives—and I’d be willing to bet that you’ve probably noticed this same thing before, too, even if not consciously. Sometimes we find ourselves going through them, or at least I do, as sort of a little trip down memory lane. Or, on occasion, it’s because we’re looking for something we might have overlooked. But whatever the reason, doubtless you do the exact same thing that I do, which is to pause on some of
those old images that capture our interest momentarily...
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Join me where I share my thoughts and adventures in photography in this weekly podcast. I hope you enjoy it.
We’ve all heard that old saying, “There’s no accounting for taste.” There’s so much truth to that. Tastes vary so much from one person to the next that no matter what, there is no one right answer that will satisfy absolutely everyone. That puts photographers in something of a conundrum. Of course, we want to produce photographs that people will love. But we can never guarantee that these images will be broadly loved because there’s just no accounting for
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The ebooks are completely free to you today, although you are welcome to leave a small donation of any amount to help with future projects. Enjoy!
Music From the Doctor's Office Throughout my life, I’ve spent hours upon hours in a doctor's office. One of the things I enjoy while waiting is writing music on my laptop and phone. These short unfinished electronic musical themes are just doodles per se to pass the time. Enjoy.