How Digital Photography Has Improved Art and Photography Books That Will Inspire You

Published: Wed, 10/18/17

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Deborah Ditty and Diana Cannon
How Digital Photography Has Improved Art
How Digital Photography Has Improved Art
I can remember a time when digital photography was a new frontier, one that excited many and made many others skeptical. Over the years, we’ve come to take this medium for granted. It is a modern convenience, much like computers, smartphones and all the rest of the technology we now surround ourselves with.
With a digital camera, we can take an endless amount of photos, never worrying about developing rolls of film. We can see those photos as we take them and we can even edit them immediately — no hours spent in the darkroom producing negatives that we will later print. In fact, the negative itself has been replaced by the RAW file, which means that we no longer hold small strips of film up to a lightbox, eyeing them with magnifiers as best we can to see which we’d like to print. Now, we can view our RAWs in sizes as large as our monitors — or larger.

But I digress. As much as digital photography has improved our efficiency through convenience, I would also like to argue that digital photography has improved art on the whole. Many of these improvements exist because of the convenience of the digital SLR. Let me explain by way of a few examples how I think digital photography has helped improve artistry in general.
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​​​​​​​Weekly Photography Podcast​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
We’re so used to thinking about what camera gear we will take on photo trips that sometimes we forget the non-camera necessities like the ones I’ll list today.
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Teaching Children the Wonders of Photography, #1:
The Basics

Teaching Children the Wonders of Photography, #1: The Basics
Photography, like so many other art forms, is a time-honored tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. Perhaps you’d like to teach photography to your own children, or maybe there is a group of children that you work with who find themselves fascinated by photography and wanting to learn more. Either way, when teaching photography to youngsters who may no experience with cameras whatsoever, you’ll need to start from the beginning, with the basics.
Throughout this series, I’ll show you what you’ll need to teach children and the order in which it needs to be taught. Read on for the first part, where I’ll show you the basics that kids will need to start with!
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Photography Books That Will Inspire You

Photography Books That Will Inspire You
Photography is as much a learning process as it is an art form. From beginning photographers all the way to world-renowned professionals, we all must set aside time to learn about every aspect of photography. Many go to college to major in arts, others take to the internet to learn what they can. But these aren’t the only resources at your disposal. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of books covering every aspect of photography, many of which are indispensable to photographers of all kinds. Let’s take a look at some of the great photography books that have inspired me and should be on your bookshelf as well!
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The Intriguing Bodie Ghost Town
Is a Paradise for Photographers
The Intriguing Bodie Ghost Town Is a Paradise for Photographers
While Deadwood may be the most well-known of the lawless, Wild West towns of the mid to late 1800’s, it has nothing on Bodie, California when it comes to anarchy and violence. Bodie may not be as well-known as Deadwood, but its story and history are just as interesting. The state of California recognizes this and preserves Bodie as an official ghost town, open for visitors to see what life was like in the Wild West. Unlike Deadwood, which is a tourist attraction today, complete with tourist shops, gambling, hotels, that obscures much of the real history of the town, Bodie is about as pristine as it gets as far as being kept in its original state. Here’s what you should know about Bodie, and visit the ghost town it left behind.
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Photography Giveaway
Enter for a chance to win.  I’ll be giving away copies of the book, "Digital SLR Black & White Photography (Camera Bag Companions)".

This quick-reference guide to black and white photography offers tips into creating unique, elegant, and sophisticated images while on the move with your digital camera. The book provides instant instruction on how to see and compose great black & white shots, and how to capture images that make great results.
  • Submit your entry for a chance to win.
  • No purchase necessary.
  • One winner is selected at random on Wednesday of each week.
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