Snapshots as a Starting Point

Published: Thu, 12/14/17

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Snapshots as a Starting Point

Snapshots as a Starting Point
I’ve talked in previous posts about the best ways to organize photo trips and other such outings. Most photographers know that if you leave the house, camera in hand, with no particular destination in mind, you are unlikely to come back with more than a handful (if you are lucky!) of art-worthy photographs. That is because, in order to create art, you need organization, discipline, a strategy. Aimless wanderings often result in little more than snapshots...
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Weekly Photography Podcast​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
How do you get more done when it comes to photography? Join me today and I’ll help you build a schedule so that you can avoid inertia.​​​​​​​

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Where Art and Philosophy Meet: Should Art Be Interpretive?
Where Art and Philosophy Meet: Should Art Be Interpretive?
What is photography without meaning? Most would argue that the more meaning, the more symbolism a photograph contains, the more valuable it becomes. This leads to an odd interpretation of philosophy in photography. Some take this to mean that you should leave photos open to any number of interpretations — whatever multitude of things that the viewer can possibly think about the image. The photograph itself has no point, other than to hopefully encourage the viewer to do all the thinking...
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Understanding the Effective Black and White Image

Understanding the Effective Black and White Image
What makes a black and white image effective? In my opinion, it takes more to create an effective black and white image than it does to create an effective color image. By removing the color, you are taking away one of the major elements, quite possibly the element that is most distracting or that takes away from all of the other parts of the image. This leaves you with things like composition, tonal range, shape and texture to rely on — all important parts of an image that sometimes just aren’t as noticeable when objects within the frame are brightly colored.

Let’s dig into the nuts and bolts of black and white photography, and by the end, you’ll have a better understanding of what makes an image effective...
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Advanced Concepts in Landscape Photography

Advanced Concepts in Landscape Photography
I’ve talked a lot about composition and landscape photography in general because I feel that it is a wonderful genre that everyone can benefit from. I would like to delve into some of the more advanced concepts — the things that will really make your landscape photography shine. Some of the concepts I will discuss tend to “break the rules,” but as you know, sometimes you must break a few rules to create something unique. Let’s dig into some of these concepts so that you can learn how to apply them to your photography!
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Free Photography eBooks

How the Right Tones Effect Your Photographs
I hope these ebooks will be beneficial to you and your photography.  All ebooks are set a minimum contribution to FREE and you’re welcome to give a helpful donation of any amount.  Your contribution will help to create additional free content for others to enjoy. Thank you so much!
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