Sometimes the guilt of not creating leads us to avoid creative activities just so that we can avoid the guilt. Set that guilt aside and get back to work!
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We maintain our equipment, but we sometimes forget about the most important tool of all: Ourselves. Read my thoughts on good health to promote good photography.
The post Maintaining Your Tools appeared first on Will Moneymaker Photography.
Sometimes, we all need to take a break. There is no shame in it, and in fact, I think it can be a healthy, necessary part of our photographic life.
The post Taking a Break appeared first on Will Moneymaker Photography.
Not long ago, I had the chance to talk with a childhood friend. We started reminiscing about school—the teachers who shaped us, the friends we made, and the moments that stuck with us. Some of our classmates are still
around, while others have passed on. We talked about our kids and grandkids and how…
I love collecting postcards from around the world, and over the years, I've gathered quite a few duplicates. So, I'm excited to give away a set of postcards every month!
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Frank was the kind of man you don’t forget—sharp, kind-hearted, and always ready to serve. He had a quiet intelligence about him, the kind that didn’t need to be announced, and a servant’s heart that showed in everything
he did. I met Frank not long after moving to California in 2002. My plan had…